Safe reporting project in



In the city of Barcelona there are no regulations that guarantee the safe reporting of people in an irregular situation. There is no regulation that protects people who decide to report against the possible risks of sanctions for irregularity. However, there are practices conducted by different actors that facilitate a safe space for reporting. In the city of Barcelona, the different units of the City Council and NGOs have created mechanisms or instruments that allow migrants to report crimes with guarantees that an expulsion file will not be opened. Some especially serious crimes such as human trafficking, gender violence or hate crimes have City Council units aimed at facilitating the reporting, accompanying and advising the victims of these crimes, also including victims in an irregular administrative situation. Another existing good practice is the advice and accompaniment of specialized NGOs for people in an irregular situation to file a complaint in court. The right to free legal assistance for all victims regardless of the administrative situation is key to conduct this path.


The project objectives for Barcelona are to raise awareness of victims of crime with an irregular migration status on their rights to report crime, improve the conditions to do so, and strengthen the cooperation between local authorities and professionals, apart from training them in this matter.


Associate Partners


REPORT: Innovative strategies for safe reporting in the city of Barcelona [Spanish][English]

REPORT:  Trafficking in human beings and safe reporting strategies in the city of Barcelona [Spanish] [English]

List of contacts: [English][Spanish]  [Arabian] [French]


Project coordinated by the University of Barcelona